You will find below the list of EUs carried by the CES course and their description.
The complete training program for master 1 and master 2 is also available in the downloadable tables.
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
to formulate a problem, to implement an appropriate sampling strategy, to choose the measurement tools, to carry out a critical analysis of the data
to know the standards, methods and standards adapted to contaminants
to adapt to the evolution of techniques used for monitoring contaminants in water (analysis, bioanalysis)
identify contaminants that can cause health problems depending on the different uses of water
de select the relevant data to assess the health and ecological risks associated with contamination of the aquatic environment
to write a report of results, to present results of monitoring of the aquatic environment and to discuss health and ecological risks
ensure active scientific (toxicological data, emerging contaminants) and technological (new tools) monitoring
to dialogue and cooperate with partners from various backgrounds, specialists or non-specialists
Complete list of UEs to download: