The Master in Water Sciences training takes place over 4 semesters. During each year, the lessons are divided between:
TUs common to the whole of the Mention (non-disciplinary transversal TUs), allowing the acquisition of skills preparing for integration into the professional environment;
specialist teaching units aimed at acquiring in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge
internships in companies or research laboratories
The first year of Master(M1) begins with a common core to establish a base of common knowledge for all the students, regardless of the chosen Specialty. It ends with a mandatory internship of a minimum duration of 2 months in a company or laboratory, allowing a first immersion in the professional world.
The second year of Master(M2) is based on a teaching mainly oriented towards specialization and includes a mandatory 6-month internship in a company or laboratory, thus defining the "Professional or Research" profile of each student.
All courses are open to Alternance training, from M1 or from M2.

The Master in Water Sciences was designed in the Campus spirit, bringing together all the Montpellier establishments involved in the field of water: UM, UM3, the Institut Agro and AgroParisTech.
The proposed training offer is divided into 5 courses covering all the issues related to water.
A sixth course, the inter coursenational IDIL - AWARE will open in September 2023.
All specialties and courses have a dual Professional and Research focus and are open to work-study programs. The final orientation is in Master 2 depending on the type of internship in a Laboratory (Research) or in a Company/Organization (Professional).
Overall, the integration rates average 80% (Period from 2014 to 2018) within 3 months of graduation.
Situation of graduates of the Water Sciences Master, 6 months after graduation