Hydrogeology Hydrology Risk Environment
The Eau Ressource (ER) course trains students in the evaluation, protection and management of surface and underground water resources under the constraint of global changes and significant modifications of our environment.

Présentation du Master Eau Ressource
description of the training
The Eau Ressource course offers multidisciplinary, scientific and applied education, particularly in hydrology and hydrogeology, with the possibility for students to specialize in one or other of these major fields.

Semester 1 (S1) is mainly multidisciplinary with transversal lessons at the level of the Water Sciences Mention; it allows to acquire the fundamentals in the fields of Water Sciences. Specialization takes place through options from semester 2 (S2) but it is essentially during semesters 3 and 4 (S3 and S4) that the student will specialize and refine his professional project, and the put into practice during their internship.
Nearly half of the lessons correspond to practical applications in the field, in an experimental room or on computers, in small groups, thus allowing local teaching. Specialized courses range from the acquisition of in situ data to their analysis, interpretation and modelling. These courses also involve professionals from the Public sector (Water Agencies, Joint Syndicates, Community of municipalities, metropolises) or Private (VSEs, SMEs, large groups...) but also from the Research sector (University, IRD, CNRS...).

These lessons allow students to acquire the necessary skills to:
Assess the vulnerability and optimize the different uses of water resources,
Estimate and control water-related risks (floods, pollution, severe low water levels),
Characterize the sustainability of this resource from a quantitative and qualitative point of view, in response to climate and environmental changes.
Develop transversal skills essential to any executive in the field of Water Sciences (project management, written and oral communication, English, etc.).
Content and Skills
Disciplinary skills
The interdisciplinarity necessary to address issues related to water and the environment is ensured by a common base of 12 ECTS in the first semester. This teaching common to all courses of the Water Master addresses major themes such as the Water Cycle, Contaminants in the aquatic environment, Water and Agriculture, Ocean - Water - Atmosphere, the challenges of Water in our society….
The objective is to provide a base of knowledge and skills common to all students, and to highlight the major scientific questions associated with each course of the Master.
The skills specific to the Water-Resource course are provided by disciplinary fundamental teaching units (hydrogeology, hydrology, hydrodynamics, hydraulics, hydrochemistry, geology, microbiology, geomorphology), teaching units applied to environmental issues (characterization of the spatial and temporal variability of the water resource, integrated water resource management, hydrogeological and hydrological extremes, management of water-related risks, contamination of water resources, land use planning, impact studies), and teaching units on methods and engineering techniques (modeling, programming, statistics, geographic information systems, remote sensing, database, cartography, etc.).
Transversal skills
These skills aim to develop critical thinking; improve their written (report writing) and oral (oral presentations) communication skills, in French or English; to learn how to manage projects or interact in a group to respond to an interdisciplinary study….
These transversal skills are provided by teaching units relating to project management or management, teaching units for bibliographic research, communication and scientific writing, teaching units for individual projects (depending on the specialty chosen), and teaching units for Applied English.
Semester 1 - 30 ECTS
Operation of hydrosystems (3 ECTS)
Hydrology of the unsaturated zone (3 ECTS)
Bibliographic project (3 ECTS)
Thematic English 1 (2 ECTS)
Communication techniques (2 ECTS)
Project management 1 (2 ECTS)
COMPULSORY UEs by specialty (6 ECTS):
Hydrology specialty:
Free surface hydraulics (3ECTS)
and Treatment Paths (3 ECTS)
Specialty Hydrogeology:
Hydrogeophysics (3 ECTS) and M1 Hydrogeology field internship (3 ECTS)
Water cycle and watershed (3 ECTS)
Functioning of aquatic ecosystems (3 ECTS)
Ocean, Atmosphere, Climate (3 ECTS)
Water and agriculture: scientific issues and questions (3 ECTS)
Stakes involved in regulation (3 ECTS)
Aquatic environment contaminants and sustainable development (3 ECTS)
Semester 2 - 30 ECTS
Common MANDATORY EUs (26 ECTS) common:
Underground hydrodynamics (3 ECTS)
Water quality and microbiology (2 ECTS)
Applied hydrochemistry (2 ECTS)
Hydrodynamics and applied hydraulics (2 ECTS)
IWRM participation practices (3 ECTS)
Statistics (3 ECTS)
GIS practice (3 ECTS)
Thematic English 2 (2 ECTS)
Internship (6 ECTS)
MANDATORY EUs (by specialties (1 ECTS):
Hydrology specialty:Hydrological analysis (1 ECTS)
Specialty Hydrogeology:Hydrogeological section and log (1 ECTS)
Initiation to R language (3 ECTS)
Groundwater management (3 ECTS)
Water management remote sensing (3 ECTS)
Work-study project (3 ECTS)
Semester 3 - 30 ECTS
PROFILE *Alternate; ** Professional ; *** Research
Field and Applied Hydrology - Hydrology & Hydrogeology
(3 ECTS)
Geomorphology and catchments' hydrology - Geomorphology (3 ECTS)
Groundwater modeling - Modeling of underground flows (3 ECTS)
Karst hydrology - Signal processing (3 ECTS)
Natural tracing - Natural flow tracing (3 ECTS)
Project management-2 * and ** (3 ECTS) or Scientific writing *** (3 ECTS)
Interdisciplinary Project 1 – ER * and ** (2 ECTS) or Biblio ER Project *** (2 ECTS)
COMPULSORY UEs by specialty (10 ECTS):
Hydrology specialty:
Hydraulic modeling and flood risks (3 ECTS), Hydrological modeling of cultivated basins (3 ECTS);
ER field internship: hydrometry, hydrology, hydrochemistry (4 ECTS)
Specialty Hydrogeology:
Geothermal energy and transport modeling (3 ECTS); Thermomineral Waters (2 ECTS); Hydrogeology Field Internship (5 ECTS)
Semester 4 - 30 ECTS
PROFILE *Alternate; ** Professional ; *** Research
Hydrological Modeling and Global Change - Hydrological modeling and global change (2 ECTS)
Alternating project ER * or Interdisciplinary Project 2 - ER ** or Preparation M2R - ER *** (3 ECTS)
M2 internship (20 ECTS)
OPTIONAL UEs to choose from (5 ECTS):
Water and Climate Change (3 ECTS)
Water and Development (2 ECTS)
Water and South (2 ECTS)
International Field Schools - North & South **, *** (5 ECTS) (openings depending on the year)
Event Project - Call for tenders (2 ECTS)
Terms of entry
A bachelor's degree (or equivalent) is essential to access the master's degree. The Bachelors in Earth Sciences-Environment-Universe are the best suited in terms of prerequisites.
However, people with a strong motivation for the themes taught in the Water-Resource course can also apply by clearly justifying their choice and demonstrating their ability to adapt to the needs of the training or to fill certain gaps in terms of prerequisites. particularly in the fields of geology/hydrogeology (hydrogeology specialty) or hydrology/hydraulics (hydrology specialty).
Thus, we can recruit holders of various Licenses.
The course is also open to people wishing to reorient themselves or retrain, with or without interrupting their studies: the candidate must then clearly present the motivation and justification for this retraining.
This course is open to apprenticeship, via an apprenticeship contract (CFA, cfa@ ensuplr.fr) or a professionalization contract (SFC UM, sfc@umontpellier.fr).
Applications are made in April or May via the website of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier.
In the new Water-Resource course, two specialties are offered: a specialty oriented towards Hydrology and a specialty oriented towards Hydrogeology. When you apply, you must specify in which specialty you wish to join the Eau Ressource course.
For this you need to fill this file and attach this document to your application file.
Without this document, your application cannot be taken into account.
Partnership with the school of mines of Alès
Students who have validated their Master 1 Water Sciences - Water Resources can join the engineering school of Mines d'Alès to complete years 2 and 3 of training.
Last-year engineering students can join the Eau Ressource course in the 2nd year.
An inter-establishment agreement has been signed for this exchange agreement. Selection is based on application and interview.
Students are educated in both establishments during their training.
Hydrogeologist, Hydrologist.
Specialist in environmental issues and water-related risks (flooding, pollution, drought, etc.).
In charge of studies / mission / project manager in environment, water and environmental quality.
Doctoral students / Researchers in Hydrosciences.
Job opportunities at 3 months, year 2017-2018
(made from 31 responses for 39 students)
For the Water Master as a whole, the integration rates amount to an average of 80% (Period from 2014 to 2018) within 3 months of obtaining the diploma.
international exchanges
Students have the option of carrying out the Master 1 or 2 internship abroad.
Students on the course can do part of their training abroad with the Erasmus+ program but also at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) or at the University of Barcelona.
Agreements have been established with these establishments allowing:
to do semester 3 of the Parcours Eau Ressource at UQAM (and possibly the semester 4 internship);
to carry out the end-of-year internship of Master 1 and semester 3 at the University of Barcelona: A double degree Master Agua and Master Water (from the University of Montpellier) is then obtained.
Veronique Leonardi
University of Montpellier (Responsible)
Email: veronique.leonardi@umontpellier.fr
Tel: +33 (0)4 49 33 82 40
Marina Hery
University of Montpellier (Responsible)
Email: marina.hery@umontpellier.fr
Tel: +33 (0)4 49 33 82 53
Herve Jourde
University of Montpellier (Responsible)
Email: herve.jourde@umontpellier.fr
Tel: +33 (0)4 49 33 82 38
Eglantine Porteret
University of Montpellier (M1 Secretariat)
Email: eglantine.porteret@umontpellier.fr
Phone: +33 (0)4 49 33 82 30
Lucie Dupuy de Crescenzo
University of Montpellier (M1 Secretariat)
Email: lucie.de-crescenzo-dupuy@umontpellier.fr
Phone: +33 (0)4 49 33 82 31
Nadine Peres
University of Montpellier (M2 Secretariat)
Email: nadine.peres@umontpellier.fr
Phone: +33(0)4 49 33 82 28