The IDIL program is made for you if …
You're interested in research and you want to live an immersive experience
You want to customize your training program
You want to experience a new form of educational support
You're open to interdisciplinarity
You want to work in one of our renowned laboratories
The master program in Water Sciences, in partnership with the master in Earth Sciences and the research units of the Unesco Center, offers a specific course inEarth and Water Sciences Under Global Change.
description of the course

The IDIL master's degree in Earth and Water Under Global Change (AWARE) focuses on the impact of global changes on agro-ecological, hydrological and geological processes, as well as their consequences on socio-eco-systems and adapted solutions to address these major issues .
It offers students a common basis of cutting-edge courses, methodological and numerical tools, and personalized training dealing with the impact of climate and anthropogenic forcing on Earth's environment and resources. Environmental and health risks, geological risks, hydro-climatic risks and their impacts on agro-ecosystems, water resources, socio-hydrosystems or coastal environment will also be at the heart of the transdisciplinary training offered by AWARE.
The program is supported by different research units aggregated in the UNESCO ICIReWarD-Montpellier center, offering an optimal framework for studying the impact of global changes on our planet, its resources and its environment.
Applicants must have clear motivations for environmental sciences and for research training in water or earth sciences. The AWARE Master program is associated with the GAIA doctoral school (Earth and Water Sciences) offering some opportunities to continue for PhD.
During the Master 1, students will choose 2 Core Teaching Units at 3 ECTS and 2 Core Teaching Units at 2 ECTS, 1 Non-Core Teaching Unit at 2 ECTS and 2 In-Labs.
In M2, students will choose 4 Teaching Units at 3 ECTS and 1 TE at 2 ECTS.
CORE UNITS -Water Sciences
Field training in hydrology, hydrochemistry and microbiology (3 ECTS)
Chemicals and health risk (3 ECTS)
Water and public health (3 ECTS)
Chemicals and ecological risk (3 ECTS)
Water and crop production (3 ECTS)
Numerical methods for modelling: calibration, sensitivity analysis, assimilation (2 ECTS)
Hydrological modeling and global change (3 ECTS)
Climate change and its impact on hydrology (2 ECTS)
Groundwater modeling and karst hydrological modeling (3 ECTS)
Economic evaluation of water policies (2 ECTS)
Water management for agricultural transitions (2 ECTS)
Irrigation and development (3 ECTS)
Water governance (2 ECTS)
Biogeochemistry and transfer of pollutants (3 ECTS)
CORE UNITS - Earth Science
Positioning and remote sensing (3 ECTS)
Fundamentals of physics and mechanics for coastal and groundwater sciences (3 ECTS)
Fractured reservoirs (2 ECTS)
Hydro-Geophysics (3 ECTS)
Environment through the Quaternary: Mapping and Analysis (3 ECTS)
Geodynamics and plate tectonics (3 ECTS)
Geothermal energy and storage (3 ECTS)
Imaging and Geophysics (3 ECTS)
Numerical modeling for coastal/harbour and ground water dynamics (3 ECTS)
Field case study: geophysics applied to karst structures imaging (2 ECTS)
Coastal and coastal-groundwater coupled engineering (3 ECTS)
Mediterranean Terrestrial Ecosystems (2 ECTS)
Mediterranean Aquatic Ecosystems (2 ECTS)
Knowledge of the company and valuation of patents: PEPITE (2 ECTS)
Calling bullshit (2 ECTS)
Sustainable management: food, health and environmental challenges (2 ECTS)
Genome editing: policy, legal and institutional issues (2 ECTS)
The social science approach to politics and policy (2 ECTS)
Challenges in chemistry for health and environment (2 ECTS)
Scientific openness to earth and water issues under global change (2 ECTS)
The In-Lab TE are offered by the UMR associated with the unit. They are not all available each year.
Hydromorph lab: combining model and physical experimentation to challenge scientific questions and R&D in littoral hydro-morphodynamics (UMR: GM)
Groundwater flow characterization from borehole hydrogeophysical logging and hydraulic tests (UMR: GM)
Geophysical methods (field experiment, inversion) (UMR: GM)
Electrical resistivity modeling and inversion in heterogeneous systems (UMR: GM)
Flow and transport modeling from laboratory to field scale in heterogeneous systems (UMR: GM)
Influence of Anthropogenic activities on River Water Geochemistry (UMR: HSM)
Multi scale monitoring for hydrogeological and hydrochemical characterization of karst (UMR: HSM)
Heat and water transfer in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system (UMR: HSM)
Introduction to isotope hydrology (UMR: HSM)
Flood impact observatory (UMR: G-Water)
Multi-agent modeling (UMR: G-Water)
Wastewater reuse for agriculture: methods for fundamental processes characterization (UMR: G-Water)
Satellite observation for large river characterization (UMR: G-Water)
ECO-FILT: Toposoil effect on soil hydrodynamics (UMR: LISAH)
CLIMATE-FILL: Gap filling and scaling of meteorogical data (UMR: LISAH)
LAND-NUM: Integrated spatial modeling of processes at land surface (UMR: LISAH)
DEM4GeoSc: Advanced Earth surface Geomorphometry from high resolution DEMs (UMR: LISAH)
AnthropoSoils: Observing and understanding topsoil charcateristics dynamics under antropogenic drivers for water, carbon and geochemicals cycles (UMR: LISAH)
Remote sensing methods applied to soil moisture mapping (UMR: TETIS)
Criteria for applications
Have expertise in environmental, water or earth sciences and an interest in societal issues in these fields
Have methodological, argumentative and writing skills
Demonstrate dynamism, intellectual curiosity and autonomy
Have a taste for the scientific approaches Possibly have done one or more internships or conducted one or more research projects
Have a training project in line with the curriculum
Have a level of English C1 for non-native English speaking students
Position prepared
PhD in water sciences
Executive in water management
Disciplinary training during the internship is provided by the mentors, whose role is also to supervise the students.
Internships in research units associated with the Montpellier University will still be financed by the IDIL/AWARE programam but students can choose to do their internship in other structures. The Year 2 internship is paid for by the hosting laboratory.

International exchange
The course is by nature open to international students and international mobility.
Please contact the associated labs for possible internships abroad.
Gilles Belaud
Montpellier Agro Institute
E-mail :gilles.belaud@supagro.fr
Herve Jourde
Montpellier University
E-mail :herve.jourde@umontpellier.fr