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Eau et Agriculture

This routetrains specialist scientists (academic and professional) in the issues, questions and solutions at the interface of water and agriculture, water and plants, efficiency of agricultural water consumption (70% of la consumption of global water resources), design and management of cultivated landscapes for the reconquest of the water quality, design and management of stormwater conservation works, water-food-energy nexus, adaptation of water-agriculture relations in the face of change climate, phyto-remediation of water quality, reuse of unconventional water in agriculture...


The content of the Eau et Agriculture course is organized according to a series of compulsory teaching units (UE) or optional accounting for 30 ECTS per semester (S1 to S4). The M1 contains teaching units common to the entire "Water Sciences" option providing students with a general and multidisciplinary knowledge of water as well as un set of transversal professional and scientific skills. The specialization linked to the course is progressive from M1 to M2 with teaching units on the fundamentals specific to the course in M1.


Through the different Teaching Units, the training covers:

  • hydrological and biophysical processes and their interactions with agricultural production systems at plant, agricultural plot and landscape scales

  •   the most recent methodological approaches for observation, representation and modeling of hydrological, biogeochemical and agronomic processes in rural landscapes (digital simulators, proxy sensors and remote sensing, hydrometric sensors)

  • the integration of these methods and knowledge for the quantitative water management (management of irrigation and rainfed cropping systems, exploitation and development ofes resources) and water quality management in resource basins (monitoring and diagnosis, preservation and recovery of water quality through the implementation of implementation of agri-environmental and environmental management measures).

Terms of access

Applications for both M1 and M2 must be made through the registration sites of AgroParisTech or the Faculty of Sciences. For foreign candidates, a minimum level C1 CEFR certificate in French is required.


The Water and Agriculture course, undifferentiated, offers operational opportunities in the professional world and des opportunities in research and innovation.


  • Operational outlets: research officer (resource en water, irrigation, agricultural pollution...), project manager/manager on the monitoring of agricultural practices, territorial facilitator (en watershed management union, chamber of agriculture, cooperative), manager of irrigation networks.

  • Research and innovation outlets: R&D engineering, chef projects in specialized technical institutes in France and abroad or pursuing a doctorate in units of research (particularly those of the Montpellier cluster on thefacing the Mediterranean and the south) or with des companies (CIFRE contracts in company-laboratory partnershipory). At the end of the doctorate, outlets towards the trades of research (Research Engineer, Research Officer or Lecturer in research institutes in anational and international gronomy and environment), business expertise (agronomy, environment, distributionwater supply...) or international organizations (donors, international research centers, FAO).

Examples of internships and type of host structure

  • Biogeochemical dynamics of hydraulic reservoirs: methodological approach and modeling of the influence of nutrient flows on water quality (large company)

  • Piloting irrigation under saline and water stress in the city of Kalaate Al Andalouss - Tunisia (research laboratory)

  • Support for irrigating farmers in the gradual transformation of their conventional irrigated cropping systems towards more agroecological systems, based on Conservation Agriculture (development company)

  • Irrigation strategy and use of sap flow sensors to manage water stress and ensure grape quality (development company)

  • Evaluation and test of the potential of new satellite data for monitoring the water status of orchards (experimental station)

  • Environmental assessment of the modernization of an irrigated perimeter (research laboratory)

  • Modeling the fate of pesticides in a wine-growing catchment area (research laboratory)

  • Life Cycle Analysis of water reuse sectors in urban areas (consulting company)

  • Water needs for agriculture: diagnosis and prospective at the territorial level, in a context of climate change (chamber of agriculture)

  • Evaluation of the technological and agro-environmental performance of buried drip irrigation in field crops conducted in soil conservation agriculture (research laboratory)

  • Towards a territorial project for water management (local authority)

  • Evaluation environnementale de la modernisation d’un périmètre irrigué (laboratoire de recherche)

  • Modélisation du devenir des pesticides dans un bassin versant viticole (laboratoire de recherche)

  • Analyses de Cycles de Vie de filières de réutilisation des eaux en milieu urbain (société de conseil)

  • Besoins en eau pour l’agriculture : diagnostic et prospective à l’échelle territoriale, dans un contexte de changement climatique (chambre d'agriculture)

  • Evaluation des performances technologiques et agro-environnementales de l’irrigation par goutte-à-goutte enterré en grandes cultures conduites en agriculture de conservation des sols (laboratoire de recherche)

  • Vers un projet de territoire pour la gestion de l'eau (collectivité territoriale)


Semestre 1

​- Anglais thématique 1

- Eau et production végétale

- Gestion de Projet 1

- Projet Bibliographique

- Hydraulique à surface libre

- Eau et Agriculture : enjeux et questions scientifiques

- Hydrodynamique des sols


5 UEs à choisir parmi:

- Cycle de l’eau et bassin versant

- De l’aménagement à la gestion du territoire

- Fonctionnement des écosystèmes aquatiques

- Océan, atmosphère et climat

- Contaminants du milieu aquatique et développement durable

- Enjeux, acteurs régulation

- Filières de traitements des contaminants et des sous-produits de l'épuration

Semestre 2

​- Anglais thématique 2

- Géostatistique appliquée

- Hydrologie des bassins cultivés

- Pratique des SIG

- Pratiques participation GIRE

- Statistiques

- Territoires et exploitations agricoles

- Stage M1 en entreprise, organisme ou laboratoire (2 à 4,5 mois)


2 UEs à choisir parmi:

- Initiation au langage R

- La gestion des eaux souterraines

- Télédétection pour la gestion de l'eau

- Méthodes d'enquête quantitative

- Qualité des eaux et microbiologie

- Hydrodynamique et hydraulique appliquée

Semestre 3

- Camp terrain : des processus à la gestion intégrée d’un bassin cultivé

- Hydrologie de bassins versants agricoles II

- Évaporation de la parcelle au bassin versant agricole
- Biogéochimie et transferts de polluants en milieu cultivé
- Fonctionnement et gestion des systèmes irrigués
- Réutilisation des eaux usées en agriculture
- Processus et simulation de transferts hydrauliques
- Géoprospective, Eau et paysage

- Scientific Project I

2 UEs à choisir parmi :

- Irrigation et développement
- Écriture Scientifique
- Gestion de projet
- Méthodes numériques en modélisation
- Modélisation du transport, transfert de chaleur et géothermie

Semestre 4

​- Scientific Project II

- Stage M2 (5 à 6 mois)


3 UEs à choisir parmi:

- Écoles Internationales de Terrain - Nord & Sud
- Eau et Changement climatique

- Eau et Développement

- Eau et Sud

- Projet Évènementiel /Appel d'Offre


The Water and Agriculture course is carried by 3 partners:

2 Grandes Ecoles (AgroParisTech and the Agro Institute) and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier.

  • AgroParisTech: Institute of life sciences and industriesand the environment (3rd – 2016 awards – school engineer of France at the academic level), classified 5th World University in Agricultural Sciences et Forest sciences (consult the classification).

  • Agro Institute: National institute of higher agronomic studies of Montpellier.

  • University of Montpellier: Faculty of Sciences (in the top 300 of Shanghai world ranking of universitiesyour).


Flavie Cernesson



Phone:  +33 (0)4 67 54 87 21

Gilles Belaud

Agro Institute (Responsible)


Phone:  +33 (0)4 99 61 24 23


Valerie Valdes



Phone:  +33 (0)4 67 04 71 32

Laura Haon

Agro Institute


Phone:  +33 (0)4 99 61 23 34

Laura Haon

  • Chaine de la Fac des Sciences

Montpellier University,
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet

Tel: 04 67 14 90 33

©2020 Master of Water Sciences University of Montpellier

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